start START
Start Ups Need Legal Help With:
  • Planning
  • Business Entity Formation
  • Buying a Business or Franchise
  • Stakeholder and Employee Agreements
  • Hiring
  • Leasing or Purchasing Real Estate

At NXTLAW, we provide solutions that will help you make the right decisions for your business. With our unique approach to business lawyering, we can help you answer the following questions:

  • Do I need my business to be an entity, and how is my business protected as an entity?
  • What type of entity is right for my business?
  • If I don’t need an entity, how should I protect myself and my family?
  • What type of financial products do I need for my business?
  • Do I need a tax ID for my business?
  • Do I need a separate location or address for my business?

We’ll help you work through the difficult business choices, and assist you with the tough legal questions that many new businesses face on a consistent basis. Our approach to business law is different than most law firms, and with our Project Based Pricing Structure, you’ll get our fixed fee system that allows you to save for your new business, not spend your money on expensive legal fees.

We are dedicated to growing long-term relationships with our clients. Our ultimate goal, after we help you start your business, is to help it grow and when you’re ready, transition your business. Call us today and you’ll see that we’re not like other law firms!